Monday, June 15, 2009


Shelby County, Iowa's first lesbian wedding:

Billie Dee and Kathleen Marie Mayne
exchanged vows of holy matrimony today,
Monday, June 15, 2009,
at the home of Kathleen's mother
attended by family, friends,
robins and scores of red squirrels.

Finally legal, after all these years!

summer dawn
even on my wedding day
writing haiku


Norman said...

summer dawn
even on my wedding day
writing haiku /billie

the hard-won battle
for legal bliss /norman

Love and all good wishes from across the ocean, to the happy couple!

Mandy said...


hope you have lots of good times ahead.

Billie Dee said...

Norman, Mandy,

Many thanks for your good wishes!


Warren said...

Love your haiku, your website and I want to extend my congratulations, Billie. I wish you and Kathleen all the happiness in the world.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Congratulations, and I hope you are both writing haiku now! ;-)


p.s. you could write a joint renga verse too! ;-)

1000 Verse Renga Project:
1000 Verse Renga