I am pleased to announce the following two rengay have placed in the 2021 San Francisco International Rengay Contest (scroll down to read judge’s comments). Many thanks to my talented writing partners, Naia and Deborah P Kolodji, to Haiku Poets of Northern California, who sponsored the event, and with deep gratitude to the judges: Julie Schwerin and Dan Schwerin.
Naia, USA
Billie Dee, USA
prairie stillness
awaiting the foal's
first breath
drinking from the same trough
old gelding and I
curry comb
the roan stallion pins
his ears
horsefly weather
my bowlegged
brushes his Stetson
cowpoke on all fours
the toddler squeals giddyup!
the farrier's wagon
lists to one side
lazy afternoon
Honorable Mention, 2021 HPNA Rengay Contest
Deborah P Kolodji, USA
Billie Dee, USA
gray January
the only visitor
the softest pink
first mourning dove song
crow caw
no more room
in the morgue
am I telling you this
screech owls all night
mask mandate
a peacock's reflection
the last nestling
left to feed
cuckoo chick
Second Place, 2021 HPNA Rengay Contest
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